Title: New Culprit Seen in Ozone Depletion
Author: Cornelia Dean
Date Published: August 27, 2009
Source: New York Times
Web Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/28/science/earth/28nox.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=ozone%20layer%20depletion&st=cse
Summary: In this article, it talks about how nitrous oxide is an underestimated molecule that ruins the ozone layer. In years past, chemicals like CFC’s were the main causes for ozone depletion, but now that they have been banned from everyday use by the Montreal Protocol, it is becoming clearer that other chemicals also deplete the ozone layer. Nitrous oxide is currently under inspection from the EPA to see if it should be banned from use because of its capability to “trap heat”, which plays a big part in worsening global warming.
Title: Bring Back The Ozone Layer!
Author: Sharon Begley and Mary Hager
Date Published: November 4, 1991
Source: Newsweek
Web Link: http://www.newsweek.com/id/127275
Summary: In this article regarding the phase out of ozone depleting substances, it talks about over 93 countries banning ozone reducing chemicals from the years 1990-2000. Although the phase out was supposed to help the ozone layer, scientists also found that the damage had already been done to the ozone layer and the scientists “have no idea of how bad it could get”. The article also states that because of the weakening ozone layer, the rates of skin cancer has doubled since 1980 and it might possibly get even worse. With the ozone layer getting even worse each year, the time period for recovery gets longer and longer. Already, scientists do not predict the ozone layer to recover until the middle of the 21st century. Even though the depleting ozone layer means more and more UV rays reaching earth, scientists say that since there will not be as many ozone molecules absorbing the UV rays in the stratosphere, it will keep the planet cooler and will help out with global warming. Scientists also say that the earth should be warmer than it currently is because of all the carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases that have been used and/or given off in the past 100 years by humans in places like power plants and in cars.
Title: Why is there an ozone hole in the atmosphere, whereas there is too much ozone at ground level? Why doesn't ground level ozone rise to fill the hole in the stratosphere? Why does the ozone up high stay there, and not sink to the ground?
Author: Ross J. Salawitch
Date Published: April 9, 2007
Source: Scientific American
Web Link: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=experts-ozone-hole-in-atmosphere-not-on-ground
Summary: In this article, Mr. Salawitch talks about how ozone in the troposphere, or the lowest part of the atmosphere, has been given the name “bad ozone” while ozone in the stratosphere is called “good ozone” because of how it blocks ultraviolet radiation given off by the sun. The article also goes on to mention how ozone is naturally produced and destroyed, but the ozone layer is currently “leaking” from all the industrial pollutants that deplete it and help let UV radiation into the troposphere. The amount of ozone in the ozone layer is measured by Dobson units and there can be anywhere around 400 DU’s in the stratosphere on average. CFC’s play a big role in ozone depletion too. After being given off from household items like refrigerators and air conditioners, they will get up into the ozone layer and turn the ozone molecules back into oxygen molecules.
Title: Ozone Hole is Back and Big
Author: Amanda Onion
Date Published: Sep 06, 2001
Source: ABC News
Web Link: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=98280&page=1
Summary: Amanda Onion reminds her readers in this article that the ozone hole in the Antarctic region in coming back to reach record size in the year 2001. This region is a perfect place for a huge hole in the ozone layer because of its cold temperatures, the large amounts of man made gases present in the air, and the areas of high and low pressure. Not only is there a hole over Antarctica, but above Chile there is also a growing hole. Scientists at NASA advised Chileans in September of 2000 to protect and shelter themselves from the growing ozone hole above the country. Although the Antarctic hole has reached record sizes in 2000 and 2001, Scientists think that it will disappear around 2040.
Title: Report: Antarctic Ozone Hole as Big as It's Ever Been
Author: Associated Press
Date Published: October 3, 2006
Source: Fox News
Web Link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,217498,00.html
Summary: According to Fox News, in 2006 the ozone hole has reached a record setting size. Scientists at NASA were claiming that in 2006 there was the least amount of ozone particles in the ozone layer since 2000, which was another year that the hole was at a record high size. The ultraviolet radiation that will reach earth’s surface because of the ozone hole will harm both humans and animals at the bottom of the food chain. According to the scientist’s studies, the ozone hole seems to enlarge and thrive in the Antarctic winter months, especially September. Scientists at NASA also predict that the hole will not close and the ozone layer will not completely improve and recover until 2065, which is 15 years longer than they previously predicted.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
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